Compare And Contrast What You Will Vs Twelfth Night

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Heart vs. Head
The human race as a whole uses love to guide them through their life. Most people think with their heart and not their mind and that doesn't always tend to work out for them. In the 1602 play Twelfth Night or, What You Will by William Shakespeare this is a problem you see repeated throughout the performance. The characters in this play prove that thinking with your heart isn't always the best option even though it's the one people use more commonly through tough situations. The Duke Orsino is one of the main roles in the play who only thinks with his heart. Orsino spends the play chasing after the character named Olivia. Oliva has no interest in the duke even throughout the Duke saying time and time again how much he wants her. He talks to his servant, Malvolio, saying “O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purged …show more content…

This character's name is Olivia, she plays a very mysterious person who doesn't really want anything to do with anyone. While being pursued by the Duke Orsino she simply just doesn't care and doesn’t think he will be a good companion. She uses her mind to realize that he is just after the chase and doesn't necessarily want anything to do with her in the long run. He is simply going after her looks meanwhile not considering who she is. Meanwhile Olivia is always watching out for herself and realizing that he isn't good for her at all. The play shows a very good look at who does and doesn't think with their heart and the consequences that can happen when you aren't thinking clearly. This isn’t always the case with every person and some may argue that the duke and Malvolio are too excited to think with their mind. In the end of the play the duke still ends up with someone so it doesn't mean that just because you think with your heart you’re a bad person. It may just mean that you think more impulsively than most

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