Romeo And Juliet Feud Quotes

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Think with your head not your heart. This theme is universally true. You may need to listen to your heart, but you need to think with your mind. All throughout in Romeo and Juliet this is proven true. This play is a tragic play call Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It’s about two love struck lovers trying to find a way to be together. Romeo and Juliet are in two separate families that have a long standing feud to the point of fighting to the death. People will see in this play just how delusional people can become when in love. Romeo and Juliet's sudden deaths are mainly caused by the long standing feud and character flaws of Romeo and Juliet.
If the families didn't have this feud the story wouldn't have been tragic. In the play Juliet says“It’s only your name that is my enemy.” (3) Because Juliet said this she showed how the feud between their two families forces them to be apart. Without this feud the plan that Friar Lawrence created wouldn't have came to fruition. The feud between the two families also led Friar Lawrence to be forced to try and keep Romeo and Juliet’s marriage a secret because he knew how the families hated …show more content…

They may blame for her lack of action and not trying to be the loving mother she should be. I disagree with this based on this quote 1067 “Here comes your father. Tell him yourself. And see how he will take it at your hands”. This quote shows how little power in the house she had. Being a women she wasn't the head of the house. In the house Lord Capulet had all the power and always had the final word. Lady Capulet had very little effect on anything. If Juliet was to open up to her she would be synthetic about her marriage with Romeo. The relationship she had with her husband shows how if she wanted it the mother would too. Now some people may blame Lady Capulet for their suicides, I wouldn't because she had no control in the household and if Juliet was to open up to her she would allow the

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