Compare And Contrast The New England Colonies

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During the early 1600, Puritans came to the New World for Holland- many of which wanted to break away from the Church of England. These pilgrims who departed from the church were known as Separatist. In the New World, the New England colony decided to create their own social, economic, and political systems and communities which centered around their ideal Christian lifestyle. The political and spiritual leadership from John Winthrop led the colony to grow and succeed (US History: The New England Colonies). When leaving to voyage to Plymouth Rock, the Mayflower Compact, a document to establish democratic government in America, was established to form “Covenant Communities”. In these charters or royal governments, they had a governor, governor’s court, and court system (Land of the Brave: New England Colonies). Royal charters directly ruled by English monarchs were used to form the Massachusetts Bay …show more content…

Both groups of pilgrims came to the New World for religious purposes, however, the Middle Colony area was much more liberal and accepting. In 1681, in Pennsylvania, under the leadership of WIlliam Penn, unique opportunities were created, for new religious groups were established and women were allowed in government. The New England colonies were much more strict; everyone was watched, judged, and expected to fulfil religious expectations. In the New England colony, the people in power and of higher status were allowed to set expectations of moral behavior, unlike the Middle Colonies where the social structure was very flexible. The Middle Colonies and New England colony also had many connections such as utilizing the sea for ports or trade, and also making use of nature for fertile soil, farming, and lumber.The clear, external differences between the two colonies may divide them, however, their main driven objectives and religious ideologies link them together to both succeed as

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