What Is The Difference Between The Puritans And The Pilgrims

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Puritans and Pilgrims The Puritans and the Pilgrims, both previous members of the Church of England, desired to make changes by purifying the church by establishing their own colonies and religious ideas in terms of worship. While both of these groups set out to accomplish the same goal, they still had their own individual ideas about how to do so. Their differences led to the Puritans being called non-Separatists and the Pilgrims being called Separatists. Even though they had different ideas, both groups are responsible for laying the groundwork on how we live today. We will discuss the differences between the Puritans and the Pilgrims focusing on religion, politics, and geographical location. Religion Both the Puritans and the Pilgrims felt that there needed to be changes made to the Church of England, but each group had different viewpoints. Puritans, which are known as non-Separatists, still remained …show more content…

The Puritans, who established their colony in Massachusetts Bay in 1629, were many in number and quickly made use of their environment to achieve their goals. They became a very powerful force in the merchant world as well, very much due to being near the Boston harbor (Schweikart & Allen, 2007, p. 28). The Pilgrims, on the other hand, landed in a much poorer location, Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, in December of 1620, and because of the time of year were unable to plant any food for survival, and many perished (Pilgrims, 2015). Once they were able to barely overcome this setback, they still were unable to really get a foothold to be a real competitor for the Puritans. Even though the Puritans landed in American almost ten years later then the Pilgrims, they were in much better condition to establish their colony by being both more educated and financially

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