Compare And Contrast Technology And Native American Technology

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In this day and age, the belief to Westerners is that technology is a way of progressing. Native Americans view the technological process as the complete opposite. One way they define technological progress is “…an ambiguous mix of techno-utopian optimism and subdued guilt and dread” (Caterine 395). What this means is that technology has the possibility of creating a place of perfection; but also has the ability to bring guilt and dread, a peculiar mix. Indian Spiritualists do not see technology and western advancement as a positive, but more as a symptom or problem; they believe technology and progression are the destruction of religion. To illustrate, Thomas Yellowtail defines a traditional Indian as one who tries to do good in the world. A traditional Indian does not invent things just to possess them, that isn’t his goal in life. “The traditional ways allowed the Indians to reflect on the mystery of life, and they were always aware of their place in creation” (Yellowtail 113). The traditional Indian understands that the old ideas and beliefs are crucial in walking the sacred path in life, the Red Road. They realize modern people do not understand this. Traditional ways provide a purpose in life, while progression provides no …show more content…

In today’s world, technology has become a way of life, where survival is difficult without it. According to Jerry Mander, author of In the Absence of the Sacred, he mentions that technology is stressed; the effects it has on society and the living are not fully understood. The cause or diagnosis as to why Westerners are so attached to technology is because they believe life could not go on without it. They are steering away from the old practices of spirituality and religion, and are focusing on creating simpler

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