Comparing The Spanish And English Colonization Of The Spanish And Native Americans

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Colonization of the Americas was done by both the Spanish and English in the late 1400s to late 1500s respectively. They had quite a few similarities such as the hardships they encountered in their homelands that embarked them on their journeys to explore and even, in some ways, their rule over the new land had some likeness as well. The differences between them lie in the specifics of their exploration and their relationship with the Indian groups who already inhabited the space they took over. Even though each group had different motives and goals for their expedition, it is evident that both groups had their share of major conflicts with the native peoples and defining characteristics of their societies. In 1492, Columbus, the first of the Spanish explorers, sailed the Atlantic Ocean for the purpose of converting the inhabitants of the land he arrived on (thought to be Asia) to Christianity. He wanted to use them, according to Taylor’s writings in American Colonies, “to recruit their bodies and wealth to assist …show more content…

It wasn’t until the Indians were being mistreated that the retaliations began. The Spanish were quicker to mistreat the Indians than the English. Their rule, as per Columbus, was predominately using the Indians as workers, planters, builders, and basically slaves. Pretty quickly, the Spanish began to bully the Indians to do their dirty work and also convert them to the preferred Christian religion. According to Taylor, the English and the Spanish were similar in their treatment of the Natives. Both wanting them to change beliefs, used whatever force they deemed necessary. The English, in particular had troubles with the Powhatan Indians and the Spanish with the Pueblo Indians. This forced conversions and brutality is what later caused extreme problems and conflicts between the Natives and the

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