College Is Worth The Investment Of Time And Money Essay

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The Value of College: Does College Merit the Investment of Time and Money? The question of whether college is essential has yet to be answered. College and higher education are stressed highly by high school guidance programs nationwide. Others see college as a waste of time and forgo the time and investment, to earn money right away. The National Association of Scholars (NAS) touts that college is nothing but a debt collector and a useless waste of time. The NAS’s statements on college education are short-sighted, inaccurate, flawed, and fallacious. Investing in college education is worth the investment in time and student loans because it increases job opportunities, prepares for the real world, and provides the necessities to explore career options. The most advantageous reason to go to college is to increase job opportunities at higher pay scales. The NAS states that “You’ll delay your opportunity to earn income,” but this will not matter if students are earning two or more times what they would have without going to college. One of the …show more content…

Colleges help you explore different career options. Students don’t need to choose an area to major before going to college (“Why Should I Go To College” 1). College education lets you explore subjects in greater depth, choose your own courses and schedule, and what you will focus on. At college it is often possible to do work co-op programs, where students alternate semesters or classes with work experience in their field (Gobel 2). The one thing about college is that you won’t achieve your desired goal if you don’t invest in yourself. The idea that if students want to optimize the college experience, they are able to gain only as much as they take advantage of (“College: What It’s All About and Why it Matters” 2). College Board has stated that college can answer “Where do you want to be today, tomorrow, and the

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