Chuck Palahniuk's Research

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“Now, I have seen the power that words can have, the power they do have. I love the power of words – no music or special effects – and I want to demonstrate that power.” - Chuck Palahniuk Chuck Palahniuk is an American author and journalist who can write a story with concrete and realistic facts, but also add thrill that gives the readers excitement to turn to the page. Palahniuk can provide concrete information because of his extensive research in his subjects. After reading many of Palahniuk’s works and interviews, while I might not fall in love with Palahniuk, they way he did with Amy Hempel, I can appreciate his passion for writing and making his readers feel something whether its anger, happiness, or uneasiness. His style of writing it …show more content…

His stories aren’t intended to frighten his audience but to make them feel a little uncomfortable in a good way. In an interview from Nightmare Magazine by Lisa Morton an award-winning screen a non-fiction writer, Palahniuk mentions why he uses dark humor and how his audience reacts to it. Palahniuk turns his dark humor into something light by adding humor, he mentions he would make people “have stress laughs, which really aren’t “ha-ha” laughs, but like the kind of laughs you get…when you’re almost hysterical and you laugh because of hysteria” (Morton, pg. 2). He explains that if he was going to put his audience in a dark place “there would have to be a lot of funny asides that would break the tension…” (Morton, pg. 2). The thing about Palahniuk’s stories that break the tension is, most of the things he writes about is something he is going through. Morton asks if he goes too far, he responds he normally starts novels with something he can resolve in his own life so he “exhaust[s] [his] own emotional reaction by going farther and farther and farther with it. And that tends to resolve the thing itself” (Morton, pg. 3). Palahniuk believes writers can never go too far if the emotions are weighed evenly and their using something personal to get there. Palahniuk’s also teaches his students ‘to stay in the moment, and to give weight to the moments that are most important. One of the …show more content…

He doesn’t write for fame or glory, he writes with the intent to entertain and make an impact on his audience. Palahniuk aims to get his readers and students to believe they can do whatever they set their minds too, that there is nothing certain in the world so they can believe and do anything in the world. He writes with the intent to look past society’s norms and to create individual or unique norms. Palahniuk is a transgressive, nihilist writer who comes off as dark and wickedly grim on the surface, but after going deep, he is an author who hopes his works help his students and readers achieve something they couldn’t achieve

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