Cold War Dbq

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The Cold War was a “war” between The United States and the U.S.S.R. The clear start of the Cold War was in 1945 and lasted about fifty years, but it was not an actual war. The Soviets believed in, Communism, where all property is publicly owned and everyone works and is paid based on their own abilities and for what they need. The United States believed in capitalism, where everything including land is privately owned and everyone instead of having the state own everything. The Soviets went against the agreements in the Yalta conference and was trying to spread communism, while United States was attempting to contain the spread of communism and promote capitalism and came up with the Truman Doctrine and NATO to prevent the Soviets from gaining power, and land. In 1945 …show more content…

The goal of the Doctrine was to contain the Soviet expansion and to give 400 million dollars to Greece and Turkey for financial, economic, and military aid, because Brittan no longer was able to. The Soviets were threatening to take over Greece and Turkey, and without the Truman Doctrine and aid of the United States they would have fallen into the Soviets control and communism would have spread even further. The Doctrine was fully developed and put in place in 1948. The Soviets were still raising in power and using their powerful military attempting to take over surrounding countries and spreading communism. The United States in response to this created the NATO in 1949, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was an alliance between The United States, Europe and many other countries signed off on the treaty too. Their goal was to try and come together and protect and defend each other from the soviets attempting to take control over countries, this also would contain and minimize the power the Soviets are gaining and stop them from spreading

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