DBQ: The Cold War

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Cold War After World War II ended, there was still conflict between the United Sates and the Soviet Union. Their alliance broke down between 1945 and 1950. Both were trying to spread two competing views, economically and politically. The next 40 years were a constant battle that we know at the Cold War. The Cold War created new alliances, and new enemies because of the spread and destruction of their economic and political systems. The Cold War was the battle between the spread of communism and the spread of capitalism. The U.S. wanted to eliminate communism and they would do anything to stop it. “President Truman suggested that the U.S. should help all of the non-communist countries by providing food, weapons, and other things to help keep the countries strong”(Document 2). Truman suggested this in his speech to congress. This would help create new alliances. Most of the capitalist alliances were on the West side of the divided Europe. “Winston Churchill mentioned the ‘iron curtain’ that divided Europe into two seperste areas”(Document 1). The East side of the divided Europe were influenced or taken over by the Soviet Union. They were trying to continue spreading. The Capitalists made plans …show more content…

The North American Treaty Organizaion was create dby the U.S., Canada and ten other European countries. “The purpose of NATO was to defend countries from the Soviet Union”(Document 4). They helped maintain security in the North Atlantic area. The Soviet Union responded to NATO by creating an alliance themselves. They called this alliance the Warsaw Pact. “Warsaw Pact members were Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union”(Document 5). They saw NATO as a threat. The Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had his own views as well. “Khrushchev believed the the U.S.’s capitalism would start a World War III”(Document 6). They believed that the U.S. would create another, even bigger World War than ever

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