Coffee And Energy Drinks

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Caffeine is one of the most common psychoactive drugs across the world. Along with Soda and Tea, Coffee and Energy Drinks are two convenient sources of caffeine. Between Coffee and Energy Drinks, besides the common denominator of caffeine content and convenience, they differentiate greatly. Within collected data, research, and information, one will see that Coffee contrast to an Energy Drink will vary in price, caffeine content and health effects and myths.
Coffee and Energy Drinks both are common sources of a “caffeine buzz” in the early morning or late night to awaken the body and brain. The caffeine stimulates the central nerve system. Millions of Americans are looking to cut out about 90 minutes of sleep or more and compensate it with …show more content…

Energy Drinks are allowed the option to be labeled as a Dietary Supplement due to lack of regulation, they do not have the requirement of advertising nutritional facts on the label. This excluded popular branded Energy Drinks such as Monster, Red Bull, and Rockstar, that are subjected to FDA approval. Although Energy Drinks do not contain as much caffeine as a cup of Starbucks coffee would, Energy Drinks have a high level of sugar content. Because of the high sugar levels, this drink is more consumed and appealing to the younger generation. Along with Energy Drinks being a drink of choice for teens, many athletes use Energy Drinks as a boost to their mental and physical state. Surprising to most, Energy Drinks contain approx. half or less caffeine content compared to Coffee. Taurine, a safe and consumable amino acid, is one of the main ingredients in Energy Drinks and can be found within the bile of cattle and among meats and fish. Taurine is mistaken for the key cause of the “energy” you receive in Energy Drinks. Taurine can be synthetically made which is mainly the Taurine used in Energy Drinks. Taurine helps to regulate the heart rate and can be helpful to people dealing with medical conditions such as heart disease and high blood

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