Climate And Climate Change

530 Words2 Pages

What is Climate Change: Climate change is the changes in the global climate patterns apparent the mid to late 20 century the climate increased the level of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels in the climate process there are many system in the climate process such as food production and availability of land, water, and health risk. Website: What is Global Warming? Global Warming is the gradual increase in the overall temperatures but it affected the green house tree house and it increased the level of the carbon dioxide and other pollutants since the early 20th century the global air and sea surface temperatures increased preceding decade since 1850. Global Warming is different from Climate change because in climate change the temperatures decreased and with Global Warming the temperatures increased.Global Warming is the same as Climate change because it talking about our temperatures and carbon dioxide. Website: My Topic:Glaciers: Glaciers is a slowly...

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