Negative Effects Of Climate Change

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Climate change is a term used to describe the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface and has been a major problem recently. Our world is constantly changing and therefore so is our climate, as our country industrializes we create more greenhouse gases from the immense human activity being produced. “These gases get into the atmosphere when coal, natural gas and oil is burned for energy and over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide… the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.”(NASA 1). Climate change is causing global warming that causes the earth to heat up rather than …show more content…

“We are already seeing major impacts of climate change on agriculture; droughts leading to crop loss, salinization of soils, longer growing seasons leading to new and pest pressures, and erratic weather shifting harvesting seasons.”(Rosenzweig 1). Scientists all over the world like Rosenzweig believe regulations can reverse some of the damage already done to the earth. One negative effect from climate change is the rapid melting polar caps and glaciers, “As the climate warms, glaciers are melting. Yet millions of people depend on the planet’s 190,000 glaciers to supply water in dry seasons. Arctic sea ice is melting rapidly, a process that further speeds up climate change.”(Greenpeace 1). The melting ice caps also contribute to the rising sea level and could cause serious damage, enforcing regulations could slow down global warming therefore, the glacier problem could reduced by protecting and preserving …show more content…

Ron Ross, Ph.D., a financial consultant and former professor of economics at Humboldt State University believes that “sustainability is a means for political liberals to expand their control over personal freedoms...” (Ross 138). Individuals who agree with Ron Ross don't want regulation for that very reason, they do not want to have their personal lives be controlled. These individuals are against regulations because they believe that so much money will be spent on a topic that simply cannot be measured and that these government programs have incentives that are not beneficial for the everyday people and the economy. In reality, it may not feel like enforcing regulations help because the change doesn't happen right away but in the long run it will be very beneficial because we will be able to save the earth from anymore damage. Without a planet we have nowhere to prosper, grow, expand, and most importantly

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