Christian World View On Abortion Essay

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In today's world abortion is a war that people battle between choice and life. One group argued that it is woman's selection of decision about her body meantime others point is it is a murder of a developing baby's life. The woman who tried to make this decision may be experiencing a lot of emotional distress or anxiety. Most of the time the mothers comes up with a decision about abortion when they find out their unborn baby has some abnormality or syndrome similar to down syndrome. Through this essay, I am trying to point out how Christian worldview fights against abortion. At the same time, what is the best action we can take about unborn Down Syndrom babies? Ethical Dilemma My friend Maria and her husband William wanted a baby of a long time. But it was unlucky. Finally, God heard their prayers; Maria finds out that she is pregnant. The couple …show more content…

If you look in the Bible, we can read that it is clearly prohibits killing an innocent person. "Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God, He made a man. (Genesis 9:6)". Even that fetus is unborn that is still a qualified individual of human race. If murdering a person is a crime, that unborn child is a person too. Christians believes that every life is blessing from the God. So they also believe that every child is a gift from God, so he deserves to live in this world according to God's plan. If Maria were a Christian this belief and help her to make a decision quickly. Because the Bible prohibit killing innocent persons, Christians don't agree with killing another human being. Unconditional love a mother usually give to her child would be similar to the God's love to his children. We are all imperfect and have our flaws. The particular reason that God put every human being on this earth is for His glory, and only He knows the path for Maria and her

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