Child Observation Paper

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The child that is being observed is a three year old female, born on October 22, 2014. She has medium length light blonde hair with bangs, fair skin, light crystal blue eyes, and is an average height and build for her age. She is an only child who has lived with both her mother and father in the same house since birth. Her parents are both employed; the father is a part of the Jacksonville State University’s music department, and her mother is the kitchen manager at The Children's Place Daycare in Anniston and is enrolled as a student at Jacksonville State University. The child appears to have a good family schedule with a set bedtime and awakening time with the parents noting no problems sleeping or any unusual sleep patterns. The child had …show more content…

Generally, she is a healthy child; she does not have any allergies,and she has not been sick so far this semester. She has/had eczema, but it is not appear to impact her in her day to day life. She began walking earlier than most children, she could walk alone at nine months. She is beginning to want to do many physical activities without the help of an adult, and her motor skills have been improving greatly throughout the semester. Her gross motor skills are strong. When playing on the playground she can walk on the balance beams, climb on the rock wall, and do the obstacle course all without any assistance. Recently, the child has been trying to swing on her own as well. As for her fine motor skills, when playing indoors she enjoys drawing on the whiteboard, tracing letters on the ziploc bags of glitter, and she can string beads on a string with …show more content…

Her behavior is exceptional in most every category. The child is polite, well mannered, and respectful towards others. In the beginning of the semester the child had some issues with following directions immediately after being told to do something, but as the semester went on she began to follow directions without hesitating to do so. This child does not appear to have many fears. She exhibits no sign of having any fear of the dark; whenever the lights are turned off after reading time she has no issues being in the dark. She is also not afraid of heights when on the playground the child will often climb on the playground equipment and jump off. However, her parents have noted that she does not like loud noises. This has been evident when the children get noisy sometimes she will try to cover her

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