Cheerios: The Correlation Between Current Market Research And Advertising

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When researching about advertising and marketing it is important to utilize the more recent the research is more credible one can become as a writer implementing the facts about the product to the audience. Research is the first step to identifying the customers and new opportunities by compiling information from credible sources to compare your thoughts with other research and writing a strategy for marketing and advertising. The purpose of current research is to inform you more about your topic enabling you to organize the information in written format to create a systematic approach to the research process which is how you will develop the answer to the question. Current research on advertising and marketing can affect how certain …show more content…

The reputation of the company which has been in business since 1928, and the Cheerios product was invented in 1941 thus the history of a stable company and brand quality can be important to the consumer. The purpose of older research creates a level of credibility in the company and loyalty among the customer base. The message is to demonstrate the many decades of people who used the product due to the quality and to reveal to the consumer this trend has not changed. The unchanged in the popularity of the cereal can be done through recent market research with the past history strengthening it on the market today. Older research demonstrates reliability of the consumer base through the years, the wholesomeness of the cereal which taunts nutritional value which is one of the reasons it remains as a top brand cereal on the market in the past and present. For Cheerios, past research brings out the importance is creating nostalgia to promote the brand name. As a young child, you are introduced to Cheerios as a breakfast option or snack and as you progress through the years you continue to eat the cereal because you enjoy it’s taste and as an adult or elder the product can bring back fond memories and you have probably been eating it all of your life. Maybe not every day but the fact the product has been in a part of your life, the likelihood you will feed it to your children, and grandchildren is significant. Understanding the marketing and advertising of the past is important to a product of distinct quality and loyal customers will reminisce when they use it as older

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