Classifying Customers of Sincerely Yogurt

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Headlights shine through the big, glass windows of Sincerely Yogurt as a car pulls into the parking space right in front of the store. It’s a cold, rainy night and it is a new employee’s first shift on the job; they are about to have their first customer. The rain pouring down outside makes it difficult to see who got out of the car and what they look like, but as this employee is soon to find out, there are a few common characteristics to the people that enter the store. The customers at Sincerely Yogurt can easily be classified into categories based on the way they look, behave, and by the tip that they leave. The most common types of customers seen at Sincerely Yogurt include: the Old Couple, the Teenage Girl, and the Rich Soccer Mom. …show more content…

She ranges from age 15-19 and comes in wearing Adidas striped pants with a high school sport t-shirt on. She comes in after seven p.m and is never alone; there is always at least one other teenage girl with her. Sometimes she says hello when entering, but most of the time she glances awkwardly at whoever is working the register and looks away quickly. The girl and her companions dart right over to the cups and start pouring yogurt into them right away. The girls giggling, saying that their cup is “going to cost $20” and talking about how “fat” they are is all that’s heard in the store after they move over to the toppings bar. They usually spill a few toppings during this process, but nothing that is too much of a pain to clean up. She always pays in multiple crumpled up dollar bills and says she’s sorry as she takes two minutes to hand the employee the right amount of money. She then throws the small amount of change that is handed back to her in the tip jar, most likely just because she doesn’t want to carry it. The girls don’t normally stay for much longer than a half hour. The Teenage Girl is a harmless customer that isn’t much work to have come into the store, besides maybe a little extra cleaning up to …show more content…

The infamous Soccer Mom and her multiple small, obnoxious children always prance in like they own the building. These moms always pull into the parking lot in their Mercedes Benz SUV and walk in draped in Michael Kors from head to toe. They usually don’t say hi to whoever is working when walking in. Her and her kids take forever to try every single one of the ten flavors we have, and whenever they finally get around to putting yogurt that they’re actually going to pay for in their cup, it gets messy. These children always manage to find new ways to trash the store, from spilled yogurt all over the counters to half the oreo container dumped out. The worst part is that the mom makes absolutely zero effort to clean it up or even just tell them to be more careful. They finally get up to the register after a solid five minutes of that. The mom shoots the employee a look of disgust and complains about how expensive it is when he or she tells her the total (which doesn’t make sense as she has a Louis Vuitton purse on her arm). She brings out every coupon that we carry when she is paying, and once again, she gives the employee a disgusted look when he or she tells her that she can only use one. If not paying with a card, she takes her time and gets change down to the exact cent out of her purse, not paying a single bit of attention to the people waiting behind her. The closest thing to a tip one

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