Character Analysis Of Stacey In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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Most students have to be courageous when they’r stand up for another student that are being mistreated. In Mildred Taylor's book, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Stacey has to show courage when faced with discrimination because of his race. Stacey had to show courage when he was making a plan for the bus, and when he was standing up for T.J.. “Well we was in the middle of the examination and ole T.J. slips out these cheat notes-.. Stacey was sittin’ right side of T.J. and when he saw them notes, he motioned T.J. to put ‘em away. At first T.J. wouldn’t do it, but then he saw Miz Logan comin’.” (Taylor page 81-82). Stacey did not want T.J. to cheat. T.J. had slipped the cheat note to Stacey’s desk and Mama thought Stacey was cheating.

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