Chapter Summary Of Oppression In Roots

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During this week of Roots, we started the class in the middle of episode three. During this time, Kunta is an adult and the slaves are celebrating a fall harvest. Mr. Ames, his family, and the slaves are celebrating with alcohol and music. During this time, wagons will be leaving the farm to sell the crops that were harvested. This is when Kunta plans his escape from the farm and sneaks onto the wagon. Soon after we see Kunta sneaking off the wagon to in search for another plantation. Once he arrives, he asks for Fanta. A girl who was once a part of his tribe in Gambia. Kunta attempts to convince Fanta to run away to the north to be become free. However, Fanta refuses, she doesn’t believe that it is worth the risk. Kunta soon is caught by Mr. Trimble, a slave catcher. Who then brutally cuts off majority of Kunta’s foot. As the audience, the scene jumps a few weeks …show more content…

This term is defined as prolonged cruel or unjust treatment. During the setting where Roots takes place, Blacks were treated terribly. They were treated worse that property and often compared to as a breed of dogs. A prime example of oppression in Roots is when Mr. Trimble and a second slave catcher track down Kunta after he ran away for the second time. They make a comment on ensuring that Kunta will never run away before cutting off his foot. During this time, this could have been life threaten for Kunta’s life. Medicine was not well developed, especially when it comes to medical treatment for slaves. Luckily for Kunta, Dr. Reynolds became his new owner and he was under proper care. Despite this, Dr. Reynolds was unsure if Kunta would break from his fever and survive the incident. If Kunta was a white instead of a black slave, he would not have been treated in this manner. This is just one example of oppression that slaves endure during this time. Many slaves were killed for running away or endured similar

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