Slavery in America

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Once the introduction to slavery was introduced to America, a firestorm of maltreatment towards human kind ensued. Slaves were an alternative to indentured servants, which proved to be a very popular and cost effective solution to the labor problem amongst farmers. Americans began to import enslaved African workers by the thousands and sold them to land owners as lifelong property. With the indentured population diminished, and due to the low cost of African slaves, popularity and widespread African slavery grew. In the late 1600s, Early America was marred with a myriad of controversies; none more so than the birth of slave labor. European settlers to the America were amongst the majority when purchasing African enslaved workers. Many of these people believed African slaves were not their equals and their sole purpose was to serve their superior race. This was taught through normal educational values as well as within their Christian religion. In order to lure these African slaves to the Americas, many were stolen from their home land and/or promised various falsehoods. The Europeans, who employed these slaves, rationalized that they were the superior race to Africans and they were providing a better life for them. Slavery was not always an accepted practice. Early American settlers remained divided as to its morality and legality. Though, in its infancy, the North accepted slavery and practiced its use, it was the South that delved deep into its practice. The majority of the North did not approve of slavery culminating in the introduction and passing of the Emancipation Proclamation. The South remained opposed to the notion of releasing slaves. The South depended on slaves to work on their plantations and provide free labor to ... ... middle of paper ... ...the South to maintain its economy and way of life without the use of slaves was the focal point of their defense. Southerners were desperate to keep slavery intact for future generations and the North was determined to see its end. This lead to the American Civil War of 1861, when South intended to stand its ground with the use of force in South Carolina. Works Cited Henretta, J., Brody, D., 2009. America, A Concise History. Boston, NY: Bedford/Saint Martin’s Slave Life and Slave Codes 10 February 2014 Boston, N., Hallam, J., The Slave Experience: Freedom & Emancipation 10 February 2014 Enslavement & The Underground Railroad (1400s-1863) 10 February 2014

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