Cerebrovascular Accident Research Paper

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Cerebrovascular accidents, the fifth leading cause of death in the USA has increased in last years. The thrombus formation process starts when we born and continues the progress during the course of the life. The individual makes the difference according the knowledge about prevention of illness that she or he has. Physical exercise, keep a healthy lifestyle and take medicines that prevent the formation of thrombus can include as the most important tips to prevent many diseases, such as stroke. We can make the difference is we want to change our personal habits. The three ways to decrease cerebrovascular accident include: exercises, healthy diet and medications. Exercise plays an important role reducing the risk of getting a stroke. We can say that this is the most important non-pharmacological measure if you want to prevent cerebrovascular accidents. The reason we say that is because high blood pressure is the main risk factor for this disease. The most affected organ is the brain, but the heart, kidneys, peripheral circulation is also affected. It is a silent condition that is acting on the inner layers of favoring arteriosclerotic vessels and contributes to increase the risk. …show more content…

To begin we must consider consume fewer saturated fats, it means eat less high-fat meat and eat more fruits and vegetables. Limit the intake of saturated and trans fats as well as cholesterol because a high level of cholesterol in the blood can lead to fatty deposits and plaque in the arteries, narrowing of the artery walls and eventually cause a stroke. Eat a colorful food that is making a selection of colorful foods at every meal means absorbing the nutrients and minerals that accompanies each slice of fruit or vegetables. Eat a variety of colorful foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes: red, orange, yellow vibrantly, dark green, blue and

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