Causes Of Destruction In Macbeth

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What makes a relationship fail and become destructive? In Macbeth, the cause of destruction that tore their relationship apart was ambition. Macbeth was loyal to his wife, Lady Macbeth and he did everything she demanded him to do, but when Macbeth tells him to throw away his loyalty to the King of Scotland and murder Banquo, his best friend. She becomes greedy for her own selfish need. She pushes and pressures him the idea of doing so, so he can become King and overthrow the current king. Macbeth being the strong, manly ambitious guy he is eventually leading him to following through with Lady Macbeth’s plan. Even though love is a strong, powerful feeling you cannot deny, but in this case love was not enough for Macbeth’s ambition. When Macbeth …show more content…

This made Lady Macbeth a monster. Macbeth’s love for Duncan was so strong that it got ahead of his plan and came to a pause. The darkness of Scotland’s evil hour was driven by far more of what he could see. Macbeth felt protected by the three witches prophecies that no harm could come to him. The ambition in this tragic play was by husband and wife. In the end of this tragic play both partners suffered pain, guilt and a guilty conscious being unsure and unaware of the evil within around them until it was too …show more content…

During battle, Macbeth being the courageous warrior, he once was showed great capability of honoring the title king and handling the power and responsibilities that come with it. As a reader, I understood that Macbeth was capable of extreme brutality and honor as becoming King of Scotland. Furthermore into the play once Macbeth became king I noticed that he started to abuse his power and killed anyone he felt was a threat to him. This threat he would feel included women and poor innocent children. Macbeth power got to his head because in order to maintain his power as king he killed any and everyone. Lady Macbeth becomes Queen and closer to her husband had an advantage over him, resulting in her wearing the pants in the relationship. This advantaged included power over his decision making, influence his decisions, telling him what to do and how to do it. Physically, mentally and emotionally were advantages and power she had over her husband even though in todays time women back then are very similar to women in modern day

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