Gender Roles- Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

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In the old Shakespeare play Macbeth, women wear the pants, while the men wear the dresses, this is the theme throughout the play. It focuses on the marriage of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth takes the lead role, while she convinces her husband to kill Duncan. Shakespeare play concerning gender roles, shows the untraditional marriage in Scotland; what one sees is not what one gets. It also show how one starts is not how they end. The story of Macbeth shows power and betrayal. It shows power because it shows how one can take charge and get it done. It shows betrayal because he kill Duncan just to get the crown. The untraditional marriage between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Lady Macbeth shows how a woman takes charge of her marriage, showing she is the woman of the house. She is manly and all powerful over her husband. Lady Macbeth proves to be the untraditional woman of Scotland, she differs from the role of a traditional woman because she is not feminine as a woman should be, in fact she wishes she was a man. She tells the spirits to, “ unsex me here”. ( Enotes… unsex me here). This pertains to the theme of gender roles because it demonstrates how Lady Macbeth wishes it was a man. She’s manlier than her husband, that show the untraditional woman. Lady Macbeth feels her husband is to nice, friendly, and full of milk “ worrying her is to full of the milk of human kindness to take Duncan’s throne” ( Gale. Par 3). She worries that Macbeth has cold feet. He’s afraid of the consequence that will follow the murder; She planed the murder herself, because she didn’t believe he could do with out her help. She worries he is to manly to snatch the crown. So Lady Macbeth is manly enough to plan the murder, but wants Macbeth to commit the murder. ... ... middle of paper ... ...d Macbeth change throughout the play, but in the end guilt takes over them, making them both weak in the end. Works Cited “Born of a Woman: Fantasies of Maternal Power in Macbeth”. Shakespeare. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003.Student Resource Center- Gold. Gale. Ozen High School. 12 Jan 2010. Quotes from Macbeth by Shakespeare. Bartlett’s familiar Quotations. 2/25/2010 Macbeth Quotes. 2/24/2010. Enotes “Unsex Me Here” 2/24/2010. “Plot Summary: Macbeth”. Shakespeare. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center- Gold. Gale. Ozen High School. 12 Jan 2010. Enotes “Screw your courage to sticking place” 2/24/2010. Shakespeare, William “Macbeth” The Language of Literature. Evanston: McDougal, 2000

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