Cause And Effects Of Fast Food

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Since 1970, the amount of fast food restaurants has doubled, which equates to about 300,000 establishments in the United States. Coincidentally, 33.8 percent of the U.S. population is affected by obesity and nineteen percent of children and adolescents are also affected, (Muntel, S. Obesity Action Coalition » Fast Food – Is it the Enemy?). These facts prove that the rise of obesity within the world’s population is associated with an increase in calorie intake and with the lack of adequate physical activity. From 1976 to 1980 the quantity and energy density of foods eaten in the United States has increased, (NHANES II). Fast food restaurants play a major role in this increase. The reason why is because we are surrounded by tasty temptations that cost very little, from fast food menus to processed snack foods, said study’s leader author, Ronald strum, a senior economist at the RAND Corporation and a professor of policy analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, (Carroll, L. 2014, May 22). Fast food not only causes obesity but also ruins our body in a number of different ways; fast food increases your risk of catching cancer, gives you a greater risk of catching heart disease, and causes constipation. First of all, consuming large amounts of fast food Burger King’s Whooper contains 670 calories and 40 grams of fat, Wendy’s Bacon Deluxe Double carries 880 calories and 52 grams of fat, and Taco Bell Nachos Bell Grande has 770 calories and 24 grams of fat, (Muntel, S. Obesity Action Coalition » Fast Food – Is it the Enemy?). It is already understood that eating out at these places may lead to excessive calorie intake and could result in obesity. This is true because fast food reduces successful weight-loss maintenance and produces weight

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