Case Study Criminal Justice System

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In order for one to understand the criminal justice system, it is important to study both the criminal law of one’s own country as well as surrounding countries. By engaging in comparative criminal justice studies, one can expand this knowledge through the discovery of similarities and differences in the structure of criminal justice agencies of various nations or states. There are a multitude of factors which could contribute to the differences in each nation’s criminal justice system. By studying the ways in which other countries operate their criminal justice system, it may be possible to learn ways in which we could better our own system. In order to do this, we can study the ways in which various court systems operate around the world. In doing so, we will examine countries with both a different and similar judicial system to ours and discover the differences in how each operates. In furtherance of understanding the criminal justice system, we will …show more content…

There are both provincial and universal benefits to gaining an international perspective on the various legal systems. First, by recognizing that our American legal system is not the only way possible, we become more aware and more critical of that system. When learning of the different processes in socialist and civil legal systems, it puts our own legal system into a new perspective. Not only do we gain this new insight, but an international perspective can foster ideas to improve our system. There is always the possibility that a criminal justice approach used in one country could be successfully implemented in another. On a universal level, an international perspective is vital. Crimes are no longer confined to individual territories. Transnational crimes are a rising concern. By understanding the various legal processes of other nations, we are better equipped to handle such situations (Reichel,

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