Leadership In Criminal Justice

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There are many different perception and opinions on the concepts, principles, and techniques professionals use to direct effectively any program in criminal justice system. The knowledge and understanding of these concepts develops through the training and experience. I think the understanding of the concepts; the principles that underline the concepts, proper use of their techniques are a vital part of a leadership strategy.
Correct me, if I am wrong, but… the understanding and interpretation of the concept is subjective in its empirical nature, and its effectiveness depends and imbedded in the type of the personality or management. If it is so, can it be effective, and what is the effectiveness of the management then? First, I see the effectiveness of the management in its tangibility and evident benefits. This type of management requires high quality of an expert knowledge, yet the constant attention to resources, effective planning, and staff development. …show more content…

This structure (criminal justice) it is an unbiased, yet unprejudiced system of law. Any institution in the system of criminal justice is created to uphold social control, deter and mitigate crime. The main concept of the law is the sanction. The sanction is an accountability, it ascends from the justification of the realization (or not) of this accountability. So, anything we do we are accountable for our sanctions. Expert knowledge automatically link to the process of sanctioning – we are accountable when we are sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties – just a single

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