Bullying Observation Essay

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BULLYING According to miss Webster, Bullying is the use of strength or power to frighten weaker people . Schools is meant to be where students learns and mold themselves they wanted to be, but that is not only luxury that schools can give ,they can also be a battlefield ,a place of survival some may seem , where the famous and beautiful are honored and respect while poor little ones are bullied .Bullying is present in pre-school ,elementary , high school and even college but middle school is the age when bullying is common .On my observation i think that people become bullies because they are jealous of someone or something the person owns .they might also bully others because they are having family issues at home .Some people can feel …show more content…

Those who are bullied are more likely to be females than males ,70 percent to females and 30 percent to males .Female is the most victim of bullying because girls can be just ruthless especially when it comes to bullying that is not physical .The typical victim of bullying mostly have an insecure personality .Students who acts submissively and anxiously are more likely to be bullied than students who do not have those tendencies .Bullied students also tend to be insecure and to cry often , even before the bullying begins .In fact students lack of assertiveness and security may serve as cue to bullies that the student is a “perfect victim” . Another victim of bullying can also be people with disabilities . Some students who experience depression and bodily symptoms of stress (such as head and stomachaches) may be more likely to be bullied .People can turn as bullies this is where they are happy ,copying what is happening in the surrounding or there are problems in the community ,the way the person live can also be one. Bullying is a problem that happens in lots of different settings , so it means that bullying happens not only in school but even other places in the …show more content…

For example you hide that most bad experience in your life then here comes your fake friends whom you told your secret and shout it out in the public .There are many effect of verbal bullying fear and anxiety ,depression ,stress ,can lead to sleep and eating problems ,alcohol and drug abuse to forget the

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