Bullying In School Essay

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Bullying in school is a form of school base violence by children and adolescents and the existence of it is undeniable. The intention behind the action of the penetrator is to harm an individual or cause havoc for the receiver. Bullying is a gradual process in the heart of the offender. It does not occur all at once for someone and bullying has many different characteristics. Bullying children turns out to be aggressive people or parents when they become an adult. There a lot of contributing factors that can determine a person or a child that will become a bully.
Obviously a parent does not want their child to grow up and become a bully. According to some research, “children who bully are more likely to grow up with uninvolved, not empathic, or hostile parents who may be accepting or permissive of aggressive behaviors” (Cooper & Nickerson, 2012, p. 527). Children are very pliable because when they are at a very tender age, it is very easy to influence them to a positive attitude in life by nurturing them, loving them, guiding them, and most especially being patient with them as paren...

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