Brunch: Play Analysis

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My play idea came to me when my drama teacher Mr. Hernandez told my whole class and I that we had to write our own script then perform it in front of the class. When he first said this I had no idea what to do, but later on I thought what about a group of friends meeting up for brunch. Then the idea of meeting new friends but keeping the old one, is what truly inspired me to write the play “Brunch.”
My play seeks to explore why change can be good and that you will always have the past but to not dwell on it and move forward to the future. The group of girls meeting up for brunch one morning hoping to reconnect and talk about their eye opening experience they have had in college so far. These girls were former best friends in high school, so …show more content…

What they mean by that is how stressful the school part of college is. They then compare it to high school and realize how big of a differences the schools are. This leads into some old memories and finally into the talk about how college is a good change and they all needed it in their lives. The change they are talking about is the change of becoming someone new, the someone who is with all new people, trying different things out that they never thought they would do. Not only are they changing who they are but they are changing with each other and will be there for each other, through these changes and support each other when it is in need. Then the ending comes when the girls are finally able to order their food so they can eat their brunch …show more content…

Girls sit down at a table (Still at center stage)
Lauren: Finally, I’m starving
Mia: yea, same!
Girls flip through menu (few seconds)
Bella: (puts down menu) Guys, I’m so happy we got together, I’ve missed you guys so much!
Abby: (puts down menu) aww me too, it’s been awhile since I have seen you guys
Lauren: (puts down menu) Yea, college is so busy.
Abby: Tell me about it, I’m studying every night and my grades are still barely about passing.
Mia: (puts down menu) It makes me remember how much easier high school
Abby: I know right, you forget to do homework, you’d be fine because we would go over it in class. Nope not in college, you learn a new lesson!!
Lauren: Plus the campus is so much bigger than I thought, I literally get a workout in just walking to my classes!
Mia: Aw Bella remember when we would walk to class together?
Bella: (smiling) Yes! That was so much fun because we literally had all our classes together! But I actually really like college besides the actual school part of

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