Breast Cancer: A Short Story

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One in eight women develop breast cancer, unfortunately, my mom was one of those women. It was July 13th of 2013, my family and I were spending the night at my grandparents’ house. We were on our way to Kansas City to meet my cousins and go to a water park. Little did we know that we would leave for the vacation a family of five and head home a family of four .
My grandparents live in a small town called Manning. Manning is located in western Iowa and is about four hours away from Anamosa. The night before we were going to leave my grandparent’s house, my dad took Logan (my twin brother), Addie (my younger sister), and me to a party at an extended family member’s house. My mom had stayed at my grandparent’s house because she felt sick. This worried me, but I forgot about it as we arrived. It was just like any other party; there was food, people,and a tire swing. …show more content…

At the time we thought she had caught the flu. Logan, Addie, and I said our goodnights and went upstairs to the guest bedroom to sleep, not knowing that when we woke up our mom would not be at home. My dad came into the guest bedroom and woke us up,
“Come on, guys! Time to wake up!” we sat up stretched and looked at him,
“Earlier this morning Mom was still sick, so I took her to the hospital,” Well, young and dumb as my siblings and I were, we thought that our mother would be okay and that our vacation would only be delayed a day or two while our mom recovered from the flu, even though we had been informed three months ago that she once again had cancer.
“So after we eat waffles we will go and visit her,” my dad informed us.
We all answered with “Yay, waffles!” and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After we ate, we got dressed and walked to the hospital, which was across the street.
Once we got into the hospital, a nurse showed us our mom’s room. While we were walking our dad

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