‘Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community’ by Robert Putnam

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‘Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community’ by Robert Putnam In his book, ‘Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community’, Robert Putnam discusses ways in which Americans have disengaged from political involvement and civil organisations. Much of his reasoned writing is corroborated by a collation of graphs and figures to explain the quality of American community. In this essay I shall evaluate the proof offered by Putnam to support his claim that community is in a decline in the U.S. To do this I must first provide a working definition of ‘community,’ a term with wide implications and varied definitions depending on the context of its usage. Putnam uses it as a synonym for social capital, a qualitative investment to create higher social cohesion through a civic virtue, rather than to describe a specific structure within society. Social capital ‘refers to the collective value of all 'social networks' and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other’ according to Putnam (Putnam, 1995. p.14). I will break down the idea of social capital into geographical locale and suburbanisation, association membership, acts of charity and religious affiliation to assess more easily Putnam’s evidence and suggest that community is not necessarily in decline, rather is adapting to a more modern pace of living. Geographical proximity to others is a factor that has altered in recent American history and a factor which Putnam claims is detrimental to cultural capital. Many residents of larger cities no longer live and work in the same urban area, choosing instead to live in suburbs an... ... middle of paper ... ... 2005. Bargy, Henry, 1902 – La Religion dans la Société aux États-Unis Berger, 1969 – Working-Class Suburbs, Cambrige University Press. Dewey, Richard, 1960 - The Rural-Urban Continuum – Real But Relatively Unimportant, Available online at: http://sunzi1.lib.hku.hk/hkjo/view/7/7001352.pdf on 18th Nov 2005. Luckman, T, 1967 – The Invisible Religion, London Macmillan. Putnam, R 1995 Bowling Alone: The Collapse And Revival Of American Community, Simon and Schuster. Sampson, Robert J, 1999 – ‘What Community Supplies’ in Urban Problems and Community Development, Available online at: De Tocqueville, Alexis, 1954 – Democracy in America, vol. 1, Doubleday & Co. Wirth, 1964 – ‘Towards A Definition Of The Local Community’ in On Cities and Social Life, University of Chicago Press.

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