The Mutuality Model

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Mutuality. Mutuality is the ideal which showcases compromise, cooperation, and equality. Mutuality emphasizes that in finding common interests which present equally beneficial outcomes to both the community and the individual there can be increased community cooperation (Clear & Karp, 1999). The foundation of this concept is inclusion as “by framing the individual’s stake in community life in the context of disclosing and fostering interdependencies” (Clear & Karp, 1999, p. 123), the mutuality model can be achieved. Stewardship. The principle of stewardship demands engagement in the promotion of compassion. It requires that the individual take responsibility for their role in the community. These responsibilities include an awareness of the issues which affect the group. This obligation demands that the individual place the needs of the community above their own personal interests. In placing community requirements above a singular agenda, the individual is encouraged to view the community with personal interest. Rather than a commitment to a set of individualistic values, the community member may seek to balance “individual freedoms against the common good” (Clear & Karp, 1999, p. 126). …show more content…

Within community context, there are three components; stability, social ties, and institutional capacity. Stability can be described as accounting for the transitional status of community members. Social ties relate to the connections individuals have with one another within the community. In analyzing the institutional capacity of a neighborhood, one might look at the local institutions ability to procure membership, or participation from community

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