Border Wall Pros And Cons Essay

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Good Fences Don’t Always Make Good Neighbors “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.” stated President Donald Trump during his presidential announcement speech in 2015. Those words opened up the political can of worms that is the idea of a border wall. The border wall wouldn’t stop the flow of immigrants, and drugs that our president and people like him believe are imported from Mexico. The idea of building a wall has far more negative implications that outweigh the benefits. The wall is expensive, ineffective, harmful to the environment, and the majority of people do not want it.. President Trump’s wall is expected to cost 12 to 25 billion dollars (“Profiting From the Wall”). The money would undoubtedly come from the pockets of American taxpayers which is quite unfair, since according to the Pew Research Center as of February 2017 only 35% of Americans polled want to build a border wall (Suls). The only people benefiting from this wall would be the people building it as well as people who aren’t near the border. If this wall were to be built it would be an insult to the idea of equal representation in the government. Solely, because a small minority would benefit while the majority has to pay for it. However, President Trump justifies the costly wall arguing that the cost is minimal compared to what Mexico “takes” from the …show more content…

The problem here is that without a market for drugs there wouldn’t be a reason for traffickers to enter the US. Instead of building a wall the US could invest in helping individuals with drug problems, and stopping people from selling drugs. Drugs are brought into the US in human “mules,” submarines, drones, and even catapults. While a wall disrupts one of the major ways of bringing them in traffickers, it will inspire new ways to bring their product to the US where they receive top dollar for

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