Bob Mc Joe Short Story

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The Story of Bob MC Joe The twenty-seventh Today I was going to the airport on my bike, because I don't own a car. I was taking a plane to San Francisco so I could take care of my cousin Joe MC Bob the twenty-first's chickens and then become queen of squirrels. The breeze was cold and the morning was same as usual. I think it is a good thing I have a bike, because the traffic is horrible. I arrived just time in to be able to get a ticket to get on the plane. I had just enough money to get a ticket to get on the plane to San Francisco. I didn't pack any thing with me, because I didn't expect to come back and I don't really own many things. The plane started to take off and moments later we were high above the ground. There were 7 crew members on at the …show more content…

There was this man on the other side of the plane that looked suspicious because he was was putting on a red bandanna. The next thing I know there are 3 people yelling in a different language and people screaming all around me. They were threatening the passengers and making people stay down. They went into the cockpit and I heard 2 bodies hit the ground. Everyone was in a panic and were shocked at what was happening. We heard a man on the intercom that said to remain calm and stay seated. I remained calm and was trying to find what was going on. I heard someone say it was a hijacking and that there were other planes that were hijacked and crashed into buildings. We had to come up with a place to stop the terrorists that were in control of the plane. I first made a call to my cousin and told him sorry that I couldn't take care of the chickens. After we came up with the place we told the crew members to call 911 and the passengers started to call loved ones. The men on the plane got together and got the serving cart and then we started to ram the door to the cockpit. The man came up on the intercom and said to stop

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