Biophilia Hypothesis Essay

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As I’m a believer of all kind of organisms in the world are evolved by natural selection and adaption, I also believe the biophilia hypothesis when I first heard about it, which define as an innate emotion affiliation to focus on life and lifelike processes (Edwin O, 1984).
In my knowledge, organisms who have the ability to fit in the environment and require cooperation and connection with other organisms to survive, whilst biophilia hypothesis can provide explanations of this mechanism of natural selection. Living organisms need to observe and focus on the surrounding environment and livings organisms, as a result, they may generate pleasant and aversion emotions to a certain object.
Take my snake aversion as an example, which I saw once …show more content…

But biophilia architecture can be used as another example to elaborate human beings have an innate emotion affiliation towards nature and organisms. It is very common that people tend to keep a pet or house plants in their apartment, this can be seen as biophilia phenomenon too. It because keeps a pet or plants can let people have a closer relationship and interactions with nature. As my family own a dog, we like to spend the time to play and talk to him. Although we don't share a common language, we seem to know each other, and he can bring a pleasant atmosphere to our family. Another significant example is humans tends to choose a location with beach and abundant sunlight as their vacation destination, such as Thailand, Hawaii, etc. This is because those locations provide people with an opportunity to contact and interact with nature, and those nature environments have a positive effect towards humans, such as help us to relax and stay happy.
In fact, the biophilia hypothesis can use to explain most of our response to nature and other living organisms. There have an old saying in our countries, “Travel brings about far greater benefit than mere book learning.” I think this can also be related to the biophilia phenomenon, which travels can help us to learn more from making contact with nature environment, instead of reading books in

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