Essay On Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is out of the norm in the society compared to heterosexuality, which is the sexual preference that is always portrayed to be the good one. In the Catholic religion there has always been a debate whether if God is against or not about homosexuality. Homosexuality is not against God. By analyzing Bible passages that mentions homosexuality, Jesus’ teachings, Christian ethics, and surveys taken in workplace that shows discrimination against homosexuality, then it will become evident that God is not opposed to homosexuality.
The, political, cultural, social and religious circumstances the Bible was written in is unfamiliar to today’s society. Therefore, it would make sense to interpret the Bible in today’s perspective without going astray to the core of Christianity. …show more content…

19). Same-sex marriages may seem an abomination to the union of man and woman through marriage, but just because it was not written in the Bible does not mean that it goes against Christianity. Some traditions from the Bible is not valid today because it is either not relevant nowadays or it attacks the morals of humanity. An example of a tradition is forcing women to marry the man who rapes them (Deut. 22:28-29). In the Old Testament there’s a story in Genesis 19:1-11 about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is interpreted that God punished the city because of its homosexual acts. This reasoning is flawed. The story actually begins at Genesis 18, when the Lord revealed to Abraham that He would go to Sodom and judge the fatality of their sins. In the book “A Question of Truth” by Gareth Moore, he states that: “Abraham’s hospitality and the destruction of Sodom are closely linked” (Moore, 70). In Genesis 18, Abraham showed hospitality and welcomed three strangers and served them as if he was their servant. Later on, the man who remained revealed Himself as the

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