Biblical Social Justice

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I believe that social justice is one of the most crucial issues in the Bible. in fact, from the beginning, we can see that God created an ecosystem of life that meant to be filled with joy, blessings, peace, and happiness. This focus also can be learned by reading some of major or minor prophets’ book in the Old Testament that brings up this issue as one of their topic writings. For example, prophets Isaiah or Amos that speaks on behalf of the poor and those people that categorized as the ‘weaker’ social groups. I convinced that this issue was so close to the heart of these prophets because it's rooted on the foundation of “love” and “justice.” In fact, one of the most practical verses that written by one of these prophets explicitly addressed …show more content…

As we know, there are many social justice issues that the church of God needs to stand for and addressing rightly according to God’s Word. For example, on the issue of helping the needs of the unfortunate people (ex: the widow, the poor family in our church, the fatherless children/the orphans). It might look a little bit cliche, however, these people are the ones that need our help. As God’s people that was given with a “better” life than these people, we cannot just sit down, feeling sorry for them, and do nothing. If we call ourselves as the follower of Jesus, we need to have the same passion, the same compassionate heart, and the same attitude like Jesus did when He saw these people. How can we say that we are His followers and have faith in Christ if our everyday attitude does not reflect the One that we followed (James 2:14)? I believe that we need to take some concrete actions by giving our support, it can be financially, it can be by being present around them, or by simply praying for them continually. In conclusion, I truly believe that our faith in Jesus Christ speaks through our everyday life. What we do represents who Jesus is in our life, what we speak and how we response to others testified our faith in

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