Benjamin Franklin Research Paper

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In the dimly lit burrow, the young wormlets snuggled together patiently waited for the grandworm to begin. Franklin was the grandworm. His life was filled with adventure. The elder wormies often spoke of their concern to Franklin, because his stories often encouraged the young wormlets to wonder about the outside world. As he sat in his favorite rocking chair, he began. “Once as a young wormlet like you, I was told of the great myth that is of great concern to all the wormies everywhere. It is the one about being captured and sacrificed to the great waters. When I was a young wormlet, I myself was very close to such a sacrifice. It was early spring when I decided to see the world through my own eyes. I remember so well that morning, …show more content…

Out of panic I scurried into the darkness of the soil, where I came upon a family of wormies. They were sobbing, for the giant had dug them out of their home. I was shattered at the thought of being sacrificed. I jumped up and said, “Come, let’s escape!’ “ESCAPE?’ the family cried and the frightened wormies knotted closer together, for they were sure I was out of my …show more content…

I looked up and the largest black bird was taking careful aim on my position. I froze. Suddenly from behind me Harry yelled, ‘JUMP ON FRANKLIN. There’s no time to loose. I think that bird means for you to be his dinner.’ I took no time accepting Harry offer, I sprung onto his back and off we went. We flew all around, both laughing at the puzzled expression on the birds face as we flew out of harm’s way. Harry hadn’t changed except for his appearance. He was so beautiful and graceful in his new form but he was still my best friend. We landed quite awkwardly near the open meadow I had spent my first night. I got off is back, ‘Harry, we are going to have more fun than ever now that we can fly.’ Tears were forming in Harry’s eyes as he said, ‘I’m sorry kid. I’m afraid this is it.’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘We both have new directions to follow. We are both on different paths. It would be best for both of us to go our separate ways now.’ I pleaded with Harry but somewhere deep within me knew he was right. ‘I’ll never forget you Harry.’ Harry smiled, ‘I will not forget you, my friend. I mean seriously, I don’t know too many worms willing to fly.’ We both laughed, ‘Only in a pinch,’ I said. ‘Anyway, who says worms can’t fly?’ Harry was still laughing as he flew

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