Xander Dialectical Journal

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"That poor child," said one of the merchants. "I've heard of such cruel displays but to witness one..."

"One of the Cursed Generation. So, not all of them have been executed by now," a deeply-voiced traveler couldn't help but stare at the guards with a smug look on their faces. "Where has the kindness of the world gone? It's a shame he might not live a full life."
The small, hooded figure squeezed themselves through the crowd but was easily pushed back as local villagers forced their way through with baskets in hand.

Xander saw the rising anger in the crowd and turned his gaze down toward the floor with dead, hopeless eyes.
The captain of the local guardsmen stood near the chained child and took a deep breath. "Citizens and guests of Eir Village!" he yelled as if he was going to announce his proudest achievement. "This runt has plagued us for years. One of the Cursed Generation denied by the gods and blessed by demons. He has committed a numerous amount of crimes within the past twenty-four hours: Theft and vandalism are among the minor occurrences," he glared at the boy. "He has eluded us for too long and now, he's here because of murder." …show more content…

The void in his hopeless eyes was immediately filled with anger. "I didn't kill anyone!" he yelled and tried to lunge at him but the boy was held back by the chains, "I tried to save them but I was too weak to do it on my own! You all left my friends to die..." he lowered his head as tears welled up in his eyes and flowed down his cheeks. "I begged and begged," his voice

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