Being Single Essay

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Title: 7 benefits of being single you need to know now Category: (Love) Tags: single life, singlehood, happily single, find yourself Teaser: Enjoy your freedom, and stop taking your freedom for granted! Article: Ahh, the single life. It sometimes gets a bum rap, doesn’t it? Single people are often stigmatized as being lonelier, unhealthier and poorer, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the opposite just might be true. Being single can be an awesome time in your life — don’t let anyone tell you any different! Sure, it’s nice to have someone to cuddle with at night, but being tied to a long-term relationship isn’t the “be-all and end-all” for everyone. So, forget about stigmas. It’s time to embrace your singlehood and the many …show more content…

Being single has a positive effect on your health You may not share a partner’s health plan, but maybe you won’t need it. Let’s face it, being single gives you a lot of extra time to work on yourself. When you’re single, your more able to devote time on internal and external beautification. When other’s immediate needs aren’t a factor, going to a gym, exercising and cooking healthier meals will become that much easier to maintain. 2. You can pursue your hobbies, interests or volunteer It’s no secret, when you’re in a relationship, your free-time is divided between two people. Throw kids in the mix and you’re now being stretched in all directions. Being single allows you to devote your free-time to your hobbies and interests. Learn to kayak, hike volcanoes or zipline Niagara Falls. Start a book club, take up pottery, yoga or volunteer your time to a homeless or animal shelter. Whatever, your interests are, now’s the time to pursue them. 3. You can plunge headfirst into your career Being single gives you an opportunity to focus on your career. Whether it’s climbing that corporate ladder, getting your PhD or writing your first novel, now’s the time to go for it! So, work hard and live up to your true

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