Being Overly Skeptical

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Being Overly Skeptical

If God made it so that everybody knew everything, the world would be a

boring place with intellectuals who have nothing new to see or learn.

Fortunately, God did not. People come in all different intellectual

shapes and sizes. There are people that know a lot, and people that

think they know a lot. Both have the same attitude and confidence,

which makes it impossible to know who knows and who does not. From the

previous statement, we can conclude that we should all strive for that

happy medium of healthy skepticism, questioning what we understand

needs questioning. Unfortunately, that’s a very fine line which is

rarely ever found. Everyone else falls under two categories;

under-skeptical or over-skeptical. It is much healthier and safer to

flirt with the over-skeptical side, however any extreme can severely

hinder what one might consider their knowledge.

All year, I have said that people are stupid. Nothing can sway me from

this opinion. For instance, I have found that is best to be extremely

skeptical of new people and what they tell me. Once I can agree or see

that they are knowledgeable, then I become much less skeptical of them

and what they are telling me. It is basic human nature. The healthy

overly-skeptic has the ability to seek out and understand others who

are intelligent, knowledgeable and most of all skeptical. The healthy

overly-skeptic can find the people that are also highly skeptical of

what is happening. From doubt stems questions, and from questions grow

answers. These answers will be interrogated and negated and

re-evaluated until the cows come home. The odds are they never will

accept it, especially, if they are true skeptics. Olen tells us, “A

total skeptic denies that we can know anything.” That is very

unhealthy, but at the same time brews better thinking. These people

will disprove everything, which will show people what is wrong. They

are on the right path, they just will never see their destination.

These are the people who eliminate what is obviously and sometimes not

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