Arguments Against Confirmation Bias

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Confirmation bias is the act of assuming or favoring information based on personal beliefs or theories. As we live in a surprising world where a lot of unbelievable and shocking things happen, we are more than likely, as human beings motivated by personal beliefs and wishful thinking, to jump into conclusion based on those ideas and concepts. Sometimes when a person has such a strong desire for an idea or theory to be true she end up convincing herself that it is and that’s how a part of biased and fake new arise. After that person publish those fake news, another person who shares the same perspective will automatically adopt and accept that information and correspondingly reject all other facts that contradict what they believe in. And …show more content…

First of all, we should give importance to our surroundings. Surrounding ourselves with people of diverse opinions and backgrounds and listening to them while discussing, respectfully of course, could change a lot in the way we view the world. If we are encircled by people who think and act like us all the time we are never going to be able to develop and move forward. Another key point is setting our pride aside. Being right is quite flattering and boosts our self-worth and it’s human nature to always want to be right. In order to avoid fake news circulating, people should learn to look for the truth instead of desperately wanting to be right. Being too stubborn because we don’t want to be proven wrong or we can’t admit we are wrong can only cause more harm than good. The last but most important point I believe is to be educated. What I mean by educated is to think for yourself. We shouldn’t feel pressured to agree with someone just to be part of their group. We shouldn't feel ashamed to give our true opinion and views because they are unpopular or people might disagree with them. We shouldn’t let others influence our decisions and thoughts or

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