Battered Dogs: Not Acceptable For Their Owners

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Dogs, unfortunately, are one of the most mistreated animals. Some dogs may even be uncared for without the owner realizing that they’re brutalizing them, simple mistakes by the owner can make a dog's whole personality change. To have a nice and healthy dog the owner needs to take care of their dog, such as providing it with the right environment, giving it the right food, and controlling your temper around your fuzzy friend. Everyone knows that once in awhile, dogs do a deed that’s not acceptable for their owner, like going to the bathroom on the floor, or jump on their owner from being so excited to see them. Yelling at a dog or spanking them isn’t the way to resolve the solution. Sometimes, especially when a dog is a puppy, the dog doesn't even know what he did that made his …show more content…

“ Owners should be the ultimate source of trust and guidance. Battered dogs instead may cower upon being pet and may get scared of sudden movements.” ( Farricelli.) This quote shows how if a dog isn’t getting mismanaged, then they can be a great joy to have in a home, but if they are getting a swoop on the back or nose, they show some kind of discomfort when they’re with their owner(s). Hitting your dog simply breaks the bond between the two. Another thing that hitting a dog results in is aggression. When a dog gets hit by their owner, they begin to fear their owner. Sometimes, they may even bite back just because they are trying to defend themselves against their owner. Forcing shares the same trait as hitting your dog. Owners seem to sometimes force their dog into a cage or into a car. Dogs because aggressive with this because they become frustrated at the closest person near them, if what the dog's owner is forcing them to do isn’t what the dog wants to do. “When a dog is prevented from doing something they want or forced to do something they do not want to do, they can become frustrated and direct aggression towards the nearest animal or

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