Barriers Of Multiculturalism

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Globalization is displayed in addition to the economic development also increasingly in the street scene. Multiculturalism is a matter that we come across constantly in every corner: in shopping markets, when traveling, on trains, on buses, on television, on the Internet and at work, just to name few things. More people from many different cultures have come to Finland contributing to the europeanization: opening up borders. The development has been very rapid, and we, Finns, have had difficulty in adapting to this change. Probably this is why multiculturalism causes heavy discussion, even annoyance. Multiculturalism starts to be more than normal at Finnish workplaces.

Already in the early 1980s, a Dutch professor and cultural researcher
When people communicate, they are trying to find similarities with others. (Samovar & Porter, 2004). We all know, it is easier to socialize with people who are similar and have things in common. This causes problems because when people seek similarities, they involuntarily defy people form different cultures. Uncertainty captures people when meeting with strangers, especially with people from other cultures. People are trying to cover their uncertainty by predicting possible behaviors. We, people, have this necessity to understand others' behavior, and when behavior does not respond to expected, people could get apprehensive. This why especially Finns try to avoid situations where they must face strangers. People might also pull out totally from multicultural
It is a negative attitude toward people, and usually concluded from incomplete and close-minded stereotypes. Prejudice can cause anti locution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attacks and extermination. Racism is explained as "an irrational hatred or fear of another racial group" (Gillborn, 1995) Simply put, all definitions of racism abstract people's beliefs of being better and ascendant than others because of the differences. The last problem faced when communicating in intercultural situation is ethnocentrism. It leads to thinking that one's own culture is ascendant. (Lustig & Koester, 1999); the only way to live is their

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