Ethics Of Racism

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Ethics of Race
There is no country in the history of the world in which racism has had such an important role and for as long as in the United States. The problem of racial barrier or color line still exist. How did this begin? In the British colonies, slavery became quickly a stable institution, the normal working relationship between blacks and whites. Next to them is developed that feeling special racial - whether hatred, contempt, pity or paternalism- to accompany the bottom position of blacks in America during the 350 years following that combination of lower rank and pejorative thought that we call "racism".
Racism in the United States back to the dates XVI century, and despite the struggles, has not ceased to be something that continues …show more content…

The changes that we have recently experienced at the global level, this new era of globalization, has made the entire peoples relive the feelings of nationalism, unfortunately in a wrong way. Because of leaders with the coveted power, these feelings of nationalism have been conducted through the anger, hatred, intolerance, and violence.
Racism and racial discrimination is everything and any form that imposes the superiority or inferiority among ethnic groups to some the right to dominate or eliminate others, presumed to be inferior, or which bases value judgments on racial differentiation. In this way, the racist suppresses their civil rights, social, political and human rights. Racism is being advertised from almost the entire history of mankind.
Racial discrimination is a concept that is usually identified with the racism and that covers it, although it deals with concepts that do not match exactly. While racism is an ideology based on the superiority of certain races or ethnic groups on other, racial discrimination is an act which, although it is usually based on a racist ideology, not always is. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the racial discrimination positive (when establishing discrimination in order to ensure the equality of persons affected), constitutes a form of discrimination aimed at combating …show more content…

While other that differentiate a culture of another must be preserved at all costs, elements such as language, clothing, gastronomy, religion, arts and especially the identity of those who are part of it. Something that they are forced to leave to be able to integrate life in big cities or even within the same regions, so that each time it is less possible to observe persons fully proud of their origins, their culture and also proud to have the opportunity to transmit them, even in many cases to others who do not belong to the same

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