Ayn Rand Theme

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Defiance While searching for the requirements for this anthology, I stumbled upon a theme that had carried throughout many situations and opinions: the acts of violence or the thought of rebellion both lead to the defiance of an individual. while shuffling through quotes, speeches, plots, and poems, it seems to show that being rebellious expresses who someone truly is, either good or bad Questions continued to arise as I searched throughout all of the sources. One of those questions was "Does a society grow stronger if people rebel against the old laws?" It seems to show through the storyline of the novel Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, as the main character veers off course of a strict lifestyle that the government enforces to all the people. …show more content…

For example, in the movie "Die Hard" starring Bruce Willis as the main character, he rebelled against everyone, including cops, hostages, even the bad guys. The reason he challenged them was because he was risking his life to save many other lives. He had done many illegal things such as: Ignored governmental orders, used a fire arm, murdered a few people, but he had done it for the safety of many people, thus creating a hero, where his unlawful actions had been subdued by his protection of others. The character Bruce Willis had played in die hard had revolted and conformed to his own morals and not from others around him, while on the other hand, President Bill Clinton had done the exact opposite and conformed to others and not to morals, creating a major deficit in his and others …show more content…

He had gotten caught in an affair with his wife to Monica Lewinsky who was an intern at the White House. This situation of momentary pleasure had caused him, and a large portion of our government, to be completely embarrassed in front of the entire nation. In the most formal way he could, he did apologize for his ridiculous action, stating that they did keep all recorded evidence of this situation happening and did prove it to the nation that it was kept, showing that he was trying his best to bypass this idiotic decision and keep moving on with what needs to be focused on. This had been a prime example of a rebellious decision that had no overall benefit whatsoever to anyone. Since these accidents had been made, people start to lose trust in the things we support. One major example of loosing trust was in the Wounded Warrior Project. The thing that had happened what that the CEO of the foundation had taken a large majority of the funds the foundation had made and he kept it for himself and not for the people who the money had been intended for. Stealing from a source that was made to help benefit others who need it is extremely wrong, and some people let the greed take control of their actions causing them to demolish something

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