Aubrey Beardsley Analysis

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Like Aubrey Beardsley, Cassandre is making a social statement on the morals and culture of his time period. “Dubo Dubon Dubonnet,” is a prim example of similar to Beardsley’s work. This illustration depicts the prohibition period of alcohol between 1920’ and 30,’ the intention of the prohibition was to stop consumption, distribution, and purchase of alcohol. This experiment was a drastic failure of the government and society trying to take control of personal responsibility of the people. Immoral activities of this time period offered the patrons of the saloons incentives to patronize their saloons, such as gambling, prostitution and free food. The poster “Etoile du Nord,” is another statement that Cassandre uses to symbolize his messages concerning society. Society changes from generation to generation but the core morality, wants and needs stay the same. This …show more content…

His first career in illustrations was with Harpers Bazaar magazine. His career included costume designs and stage sets. Erte worked for other companies such as cosmopolitan, Vogue, ladies Home Journal, and the London News. His career as a fashion designer during the art deco era, included illustrations are glamourous and sophisticated. His designed for Hollywood silent moves and great epic features such as Ben-Hur. The best known illustration from Erte is the “Symphony in Black” (fig. 15). The Symphony in black presents use with a tall slender woman dressed in a long black dress, and she is walking a thin black gray hound dog on a leash (Erte). This illustration represents a drastic change for women within this time period. Women gained the right to vote and are becoming independent individuals. The illustration “Symphony in Black,” depicts an elegant woman in furs. She is wealthy and represents the independent self assured new woman. Her dog is tall and proud just like the

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