Gaela Erwin

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There are many different types of artworks that express the artist feelings but the ones that capture my eyes the most are the works that are muted and more hidden then in your face. The artworks that scream out the artist feeling do not need as much studying in my mind then the ones that invite you to a quite space to breathe and look. Gaela Erwin works are that, her works are about the hidden feelings that people hide from others.
The artwork of Erwin I’m looking at is called My Mother, My Sister, Back to Back. In this drawing the artist mother and sister pose for her sitting on a table in front of a window. The first the first object that catches your eyes when you look at the painting are the figures, mainly the artist mother. The halo of cottony white hair leads you down to a tired, aged woman face. This gravity you feel pulls you down to follow the curve of her body, which looks like it’s getting tired of holding itself up, to her slightly stretched out legs. One foot touches the line of the window panel which leads you up to the top of the drawing then follow the foliage across the drawing. Then you follow the window panel back down to the artist sister cover legs. From the legs you find her twiddling her hands in a nervous gesture. Follow her arms up in stiff posture next you see the sister turn her neck …show more content…

Their backs only touch in two places the behind and the shoulders. The colors are very muted in the background and the only true highlights are on the sister and mother.

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