Assertiveness Training Group Case Study

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Conceptualization of the assertive training group will provide knowledge to group facilitators who are concerned with how the initial domestic violence occurred, and how it lead to becoming a domestic violence survivor. For the purpose of measuring effectiveness in helping survivors create changes that they have determined are important to them, and that lead to their increased wellbeing. Accordingly, these efforts will be cataloged by group facilitators to demonstrate the positive short-term outcomes that have been shown to lead to longer-term impacts on the safety and well-being of survivors. Evaluate whether my work with a specific client was successful by asking the question did the individual reach personal goals they set for themselves? Were the individual expectations of the group met? Did the treatment or educational group achieve its purpose? Moreover determine if the intervention goals were achieved, and how satisfied the individual was with the overall training or certain aspects of the assertiveness training group. While working in a micro setting the facilitators' will help the individual asses step by step personal goals to execute, to assist in achieving their ultimate goal of becoming more assertive. …show more content…

To increase effectiveness the facilitators desire feedback from clients attending the training group. In hopes that a client's experience gives the facilitator important informational feedback, and the clients a chance to be heard. Furthermore informative feedback will determine which programs are most effective. Another key point, informational feedback also determines whether the assertiveness training group differs from similar programs in the area. Unfortunately, similar program with different cost, could result in the funding bodies to choose a program producing good identical results without costing the program funders a lot of

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