Arts Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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“Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding and expressing the world” (Evans). This quote from Dana Gioia gives a brief explanation of why the arts are important to society. Arts can be classified as visual arts, theatre and drama, choir, and band or orchestra (Metla). There are a diminishing number of schools providing these classes and that is an injustice to present and future students. There is a direct link between adults who have taken classes in the arts and their success in other life skills and situations. Students learn skills from these classes that they can apply to many other parts. More schools in the United States should offer students a variety of art classes to incorporate into their schedules. Participating in art classes gives students a constructive outlet to “blow off steam” and a positive environment to “encourage creativity”. Not only this, but students who take art classes turn out to be “well-rounded” adults that have higher “academic achievement”, healthier “social and emotional development”, better “civic engagement”, and more “equitable …show more content…

They need outlets to express themselves while getting constructive and positive criticism. The benefits of art classes far outweigh the negatives. Budget cuts can be equally dispersed throughout each school to each individual section of classes. This can decrease the blow to just one section of education. Should students have to suffer because of the elimination of valuable educators – the arts - because of money issues and warped views? Students should be a priority to society because they are the future and deserve the best educations to help them flourish and succeed. By offering arts in schools, students are given the opportunity to develop their skills to the unimaginable. Only they know their true potential. They deserve the means to enhance their imagination and live their lives equipped with the best skills they

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